воскресенье, 23 января 2011
Хочу многие в HQ
Helena Bonham Carter in “The King’s Speech” “Latelymy son has been asking, ‘Can you tell me about spells?’ He believes inthem, so I get him to do things through spells. Like, ‘You will brushyour teeth!’ It’s very useful. He now wants his own wand for Christmas.He may turn me into a frog.”
Colin Firth in “The King’s Speech” “BecauseI have to cry every so often for a living, I find it horrifying if itspills over into my daily life. I’d probably cry if I got a splinter,but for anything emotional, the best I can muster is a lump in thethroat. Especially if there are any witnesses.”
+17Natalie Portman in “Black Swan”
“Themovie that I watched the most when I was growing up was Dirty Dancing.I always loved Penny, probably because I was really like Baby. I was aJewish girl from a Jewish family, so of course I liked the tall, skinnyblond girl.”
Jesse Eisenberg in “The Social Network”
“Istarted acting to be included in a group, because I felt excluded inschool. The final product was out of my control, so it didn’t reallymatter to me. I just liked being in a group of people that didn’t kickmy shin.”
Justin Timberlake & Andrew Garfield in “The Social Network”
“Whatif Mark Zuckerberg and Sean Parker suffered from the same insecurityand fear and paranoia? Mark dealt with those feelings by inventingFacebook. And my character, Sean Parker, invented Sean Parker. Hecreated his own persona.”—Justin Timberlake
“I found TheGoonies very inspiring. I identified with every character: Mikey, theleader; Mouth, the trickster; Data, the inventor; and Chunk, thislovely, beautiful, sad, misunderstood, slightly larger kid. The Gooniesis boys needing to be boys on their path to manhood. It’s aclassic.”—Andrew Garfield
Javier Bardem in “Biutiful”
“Myfirst part was in The Ages of Lulu. I played a sadomasochist who killedpeople and created fun orgies. I’m a Method actor: I went to every orgyin the world.”
Julianne Moore in “The Kids Are All Right”
“Actingforces you to look at yourself all the time. You have to move throughthese ages: You’re a teenager, a daughter, then a mother. You can neverget stuck in your own bubble—acting doesn’t allow that.”
Jeff Bridges in “True Grit”
“I thought the best performance of the last decade was Mike White in Chuck & Buck. I dug that performance”
Michael Douglas in “Solitary Man” and “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps”
“Idon’t quite get why Gordon Gekko, who is a clearly defined villain, issuch a heroic figure to M.B.A. students. But every time I’m out, adrunken Wall Street guy comes up to me and says, ‘You’re the man!’”
Jonah Hill in “Cyrus”
“Iconnect most with things that are uncomfortable and heartbreaking. AndI think comedy is very uncomfortable and heartbreaking. Discomfort isextremely amusing to me.”
Dakota Fanning in “The Runaways”
“Itwas important for me to go to a normal high school. I have a locker,which was a big deal. My mom had to buy me a lock and teach me how touse it. It’s the little things: Where do you go at lunch? How do youopen the locker? I wanted a yearbook! Now I have a lot of signatures inmy yearbook—‘Have a good summer’ and all that.”
Nicole Kidman in “Rabbit Hole”
“Idon’t mind being naked. After having a baby, I’m not so sure now, but Ienjoy not letting my issues get in the way of nudity.”
Robert Duvall in “Get Low” (pictured with wife Luciana Pedraza)
“Betweenjobs, to keep from going nuts, it’s hobbies, hobbies, and more hobbies.It keeps you off the dope. That’s why I started riding horses.”
Mila Kunis in “Black Swan”
“BeforeBlack Swan, I had never danced in my life, and I will never danceagain. I lost 20 pounds in three months, danced five hours a day, forseven days a week. I tore a ligament. I dislocated my shoulder. I havetwo scars on my back. It was worth every minute, but I will never puton toe shoes again.”
Annette Bening in “The Kids Are All Right”
“Idid a play in New York called Coastal Disturbances. For everyperformance—twice a day if we had a matinee— I was buried in sand up tomy neck. Afterward, there was a lot of exfoliation.”
Elle Fanning in “Somewhere”
“Thefirst movie I really fell in love with was The Seven Year Itch. I loveMarilyn Monroe. I went as her in the white dress for Halloween. I didthe mole and the little cat eye.”
Vincent Cassel in “Mesrine”
“Forthe film Irreversible, I had explicit sex scenes with my wife, MonicaBellucci. At first I said, ‘No way,’ but my wife said, ‘Why did you sayno?’ Working with my wife turned out to be a plus, because you don’thave to be polite. It’s a nice way to spend some time together.”
Melissa Leo in “The Fighter”
“Ithink it’s really boring to be an ingenue, the sort of drippy girl whoneeds someone to come and help her. I’d rather be a character actor.”
Mark Ruffalo in “The Kids Are All Right”
“Sexscenes are very unnerving. You have a director telling you how youshould be doing it better, which is horrible even when you’re in a roomalone with somebody. I’d much rather die on camera than do a sexscene.”
©+ видео с интервью тех, кто принимал участие в съемке фотосета, им всем задали один вопрос:
какой фильм заставила Вас плакать
UPDвот и первое фото в HQ
совсем забыла выложить=)
UPD324 HQ скана
Helena Bonham Carter,
Elle Fanning,
Vincent Cassel,
Nicole Kidman,
Justin Timberlake,
Javier Bardem,
Michael Douglas,
Mark Ruffalo,
Natalie Portman,
Andrew Garfield,
Jesse Eisenberg,
Dakota Fanning,
Colin Firth,
Julianne Moore,
Mila Kunis,
Robert Duvall
каждая фотка...многие так не похожи на себя в других фотосетах...ЭТО ТАК КЛАССНО!
даа, такие непривычные образы для некоторых, особенно порадовали меня лично Хелена и Колин, хотя МНОГИЕ просто
потому я его не стала убирать под кат
даа, как нас радуют перед церемониями
да уж... а могли бы и чаще
нуу просто таких глобальных поводом больше нет, что бы всех вместе собрать))
и такое трогательное видео ^_____________^
хотелось бы почти все в HQ и некоторые бы я точно напечатала бы себе в свой альбом
а видео оочень милое)
мне они оба тоже безумно понравились, потому не смогла их спрятать под кат
Я утащу Хелену к нам на форум, ладно?
*И Колина*а её там нет ещё?) если нет, то конечно)
да тут и слов даже не надо, просто: хотим ещё!
не за что!=)
очень понравилось
не за что) весь фотосет получился очень классным, побольше бы таких)