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это можно сюда же
Стало известно название финального эпизода 1-й половины третьего сезона. спойлерЭпизод будет называться «Лунный эллипс» («Lunar Ellipse») и выйдет он на экраны 20-го августа. уже боюсь ![:-D](http://static.diary.ru/picture/1133.gif)
Джефф как всегда, много воды не о чём)))
это можно сюда же
Стало известно название финального эпизода 1-й половины третьего сезона. спойлерЭпизод будет называться «Лунный эллипс» («Lunar Ellipse») и выйдет он на экраны 20-го августа.
Джефф как всегда, много воды не о чём)))
will you bring back talia hale? she's so strong ,wise and 'womanly'. i'm in love with her character.we would love to bring back talia. alica coppola was amazing in just those few scenes. i’d actually like to see her in a fight scene.
if gage/erica was still on the show where would she be? did you ever have a planned love interest for her?
we did actually. we had planned a relationship between erica and boyd.
please, tell me that we will see more derek when he was young
i would love that. ian nelson and i were just texting and i was telling him how amazing he was again. я была бы рада его снова увидеть
is there going to be tons of danny next episode? because we all could use some more danny. lots of danny. an explosion of danny time even!
yep. more danny.
okay seriously how old was derek when his house burned down does anyone know?? do you know?? does jeff know?? will we ever know??
you guys are obsessed with the ages. is there a reason?
is there any hope that there will be a season 4 ?
i believe the network would like to do a season 4. it depends on a variety of factors. ratings, dvr numbers. and i have to decide as well if i’m going to do the next season or hand the reins off to someone else. there are always a number of considerations when deciding on another season. ага...значит напишешь тут
we get a funeral for kate argent but erica and boyd get swept under the rug?
i hate funeral scenes. they rarely move the plot forward. you’ll see in tomorrow’s episode the after effect of boyd’s death, however. i wouldn’t call it swept under the rug.
does the darach's eyes change color? because in 3x07 when it is in the doctor's car its eyes look yellow, but in the mid-season trailer at the end it looks like it has blue eyes.
they are white. glowing white.
will we ever find out who the girl was that died trying to help isaac in the first episode?
will the alpha pack be around for the second part of season 3? i hope so, i really love the characters, especially deucalion
the ones who survive. maybe.
so this season has been very celtic mythology oriented, which i love. are there still going to be celtic influences for 3b or will it mostly be asian/japanese myths? by the way, the show is amazing and perfect just the way it is. keep on keeping on!
we are delving quite a bit into asian myth.
are peter's eyes blue because he killed laura? or is it something in his past we haven't seen yet?
his past.
what episode will the stydia kiss be in??
311 which is called “alpha pact". блин ещё ждааать
can you please stop torturing derek hale?
eventually, yes.
are dr. deaton and ms. morrell druids?
are we ever going to find out where cora has been for the past 6 years?
she was actually in south america. very important reason actually. can’t tell you just yet. ну ок....а почему этим не интересуется никто кроме Питера?!
lydia martin and peter hale : will they ever discuss the kiss?
they will come face to face. but their story is far from over. я жду!!!
was stiles mom polish? please, that would be amazing! also, that would be the only explanation i can think of by his name being hard to pronounce since polish is a very difficult language in general.
this might cause an uproar online but yes. and stiles’s first name is indeed polish. Джефф на томи, скажи имя))
i was watching some of the older episodes, (still in season 3) and was curious what the two bands tattoo scott got on his arm meant.
that meaning will be revealed in episode 312.
here's a question for jeff: during visionary, the audience could see the truth of what happened in the flashbacks versus the lies that peter and gerard were telling the teenagers. should we then assume that we know everything about the stories that there is to know, or should we be suspicious that there are more details to the memories that were left out and have yet to be revealed?
i wouldn’t assume that you actually saw all of the truth.
how did you manage to hire the hottest cast alive
everyone behind the scenes is incredibly shallow.
will we see victoria argent again?
yep. she’s one of my favorite characters so we have to keep bringing her back. we constantly say in the writers room “why the hell did we kill her off again?"
does danny ever find out about the pack? is he ever a part of it? does he ever affect the alpha twins decisions regarding the attacks on (the remainder of) the hale pack?
possibly. possibly. yes.
asking now, cause i'm going to be on a plane later. you said once that we get one mama stilinski flashback, did you mean in 3a (in these last few episodes), or later on in 3b?
you will learn more about her in 3b.
q for jeff: will we ever see stiles, scott, allison and lydia's senior prom? btw. i love your work, it gives me so much happiness (and much more pain!). thank you for my new life
if we do more season, probably yes.
jeff, you're not gonna kill isaac, are you?? seriously, you can't
i’ve never killed anyone. but the story… тролль...
can we see peter in some tight t-shirts? thanksyou might see him shirtless actually.
hi jeff! as a budding writer myself i'd have to list you near the top of my inspirations list, love the show so much. my two questions are: which relationship (romantic or platonic or enemies) is the most interesting to write about and explore? do you personally have a favourite character on the show?
i love stiles and lydia’s relationship particularly for the fact that we’re trying to tell a story of a boyhood crush turning into possibly adult love. stiles must see lydia as more than just a beautiful girl before he could actually love her. and lydia has to see stiles as more than just a dumb kid chasing after her. it’s interesting to try to craft growing, maturing relationships.
will stiles' dad ever find out about the werewolves?
watch tomorrow night. *нервно грызет ногти*
what was the hardest episode for you to write?
first of the season are typically very hard to write. doing the production draft of 304 was extraordinarily difficult, though as erica was still in it at the time we wrote our first draft.
hello jeff! i felt like i watched a different show last week, did derek really ask ennis to bite paige? or was is peter? and if so, can i ask why he would do that (or is it part of the plot)? here! grab a cookie!
that is a question we wanted you to ask. and we don’t actually want to answer. sorrrrry.
there are a lot of theories floating around about last week's episode so i'm just going to come right out and ask: was baby derek's story really derek's or was peter recounting his own tale of woe and lost love?
interesting theory.
when can we expect the peter/lydia scene
311. интересно будет посмотреть
will derek continue to have the worst life ever in season 3 part b?
derek has a very different arc for 3b. i was just telling tyler hoechlin about it. we’re very excited about it. you’ll have to wait and see.
hi jef! i love the brolationship between derek and isaac. will we see more of that this season?
yes. but it may not be all good.
you might already gone through these q's, but a lot of us are seeing sterek and deniffer/jenerek parallels in the episodes. knowin ur style, almost nothing is without a reason in the show. so, what about the parallels?
interesting. very interesting. ДЖЕФФ ТЫ ЗАРАЗА!)))
what is deaton's sister's name?
can we get the title of the 3a finale?
lunar ellipse. that’s not a misspelling.
will we get to know where the twins come from and how they can morph into that beast of a wolf?
watch tomorrow night.
was talia hale named after talia al ghul?
yep. i’m a huge batman fan.
can we expect to see paige again?
good question
are the carver twins going to leave?
they will be in the winter season. after that we don’t know.
did THE DEEEEEMON WOOOOOOLF use to hook up with talia?
haha, no.
for jeff davis: since there is two parts of season three, is there going to be a hiatus; and if so how long will this hiatus be. also will we learn more about this "true alpha" and scott being one. and going back to episode 308 referring that having blue eyes meaning losing a part of your soul are you trying to make fun of ginger? lol please answer these questions thanks a lot!!
the new season premieres january 6th 2014.
i was wondering you're having issues with writing complete episodes or if you're just very fond of the slo-mo?
we’ve actually discussed the slo-mo. i think we may be over-doing it. i’ve taken some slo-mo out of recent episodes. i do feel it’s effective in certain places. but hey, jj abrams has his lens flares, we have slo-mo. Джефф это ужасно выглядит
i really like jennifer, so is she going to be around the entire season and where will her relationship with derek go?
i love her too. she has great scenes in tomorrow night’s episode. шоб меня не стошнило...плиииз!!!!!
hey jeff you do an amazing job with teen wolf so thank you so much! anyways my question is will we ever get anymore back story of the lahey family like mrs. lahey, camden, etc.?
yes, i hope so.
so, how many more characters are going to die in order to further derek's crippling guilt issues?
there can only be so much man-pain.
hi jeff! love the show! so my question is that recently, we saw kali and the twins continue to say that derek killed ennis; which we know as false. so do they still suspect that he killed them or do they now know that deucalion killed him?
you will find out in 311.
what one thing have you not done on the show that you would like to explore? what’s holding you back? also, your fandom loves you.
swearing. i love swearing. damn standards and practices.
i just wanted to let you know that despite some of the negativity that you've gotten, for every bad thing that you've heard, there are people spreading that much more positive. you've always been a gift to us and you are the alpha of this fandom. now my questions is, was it your intention for stiles and derek to have almost exactly the same interactions as derek and jennifer? there have been so many parallels with the car, the 'i'm not afraid of you'. is there a reason behind the similarities?
thanks for saying that! and the derek jennifer scenes all have a certain significance that i can’t let you in on yet. ех....мучитель ты наш Джефф
this probably won't even be seen with all the incoming questions. but i just really had to know if we will be getting more scene between allison and derek (either now or in 3b). because the scenes between them in chaos rising were some of my favourite this season! crystal and hoechlin were absolutely amazing!
yes. more in 3b.
by any chance, was haley webb hired based in part on her resemblance to one of the main cast members?
hey jeff ! i know conflicts make good drama but aren’t you sometimes concerned that you might damage your characters beyond repair and/or redemption?
was the reese's parallel between lydia and young peter intentional?
imagine me saying reese’s like gerard says “mountain aaaaassshh."
one of my favorite parts of teen wolf are the awkward argent family dinners with scott, typically seen in the fourth episode of each season. since 3x04 did not have such a scene, will there be a future argent dinner to look forward to in this season or in the second half? thanks!
this is an awkward dinner coming up in 3b.
in season one and some of season two, the full moons played a big part in the episodes. are we going to see any full moons having a big impact in the upcoming episodes?
could you tell us boyd and erica's story line? please!!! because i cannot sleep without knowing this!!!
i would like to do that in a comic book actually. we have a new comic coming out, but if we could i’d like to have their story in captivity by the alphas told.
what's paige's last name?
i only do last names if absolutely necessary. i ask legal if we can give them this name or that name and they reply “no, but tucker cornish is available."
so, um, on a scale of 1 to 10, how emotionally distraught will stiles and his father be by the end of tomorrow's episode?
oh boy…
when the alpha twins combine do their dicks combine to make one huge dick this is a serious question
uh… um… errr… i can honestly say i’ve never thought about that.
will we ever get a full explanation of how werewolves age?
okay, someone explain the thing with needing to know ages to me. pleeeease. ты нас запутал и сам запутался!)))
does dylan write more in 3b?
i hope so. we talked about it. дааа, пожалуйста! у него полусеется лучше писать, чем у тебя!))
people need to know ages so they can write fanfiction and know wether or not they need an underage warning xd
continuity. that's what it is. fucking continuity. maybe you should learn about that, being a pro.
i sure do love the passion of fans.
jeff: all of the terrible, no good, very bad things that happen to derek used to be kind of funny in a laughing-while-crying way, but now it seems like it's almost too much. i mean, at what point does someone not just have a complete mental breakdown after all the horrible things they've gone through? you said he still has to sacrifice more but we'll be seeing a "more triumphant derek" soon. is there a light at the end of the tunnel for him, or will he always kind of be show's the whipping boy?
light. yes.
will we see the return of isaac's scarf?
haha, yes.
where is beacon hills
northern california.
what film editing program does teen wolf use?
soooooo glad you're laying off some of the slow motion. those plus your bad guys deep throat sreaming gurgling their anger really don't work with me. (your direction or the actors' choice to play it that way? if yours, whyyyy???!!!) i'll try to live with the rest of what irks me this season. (basically, i need less new characters) sorry, not all comments can be blindly stellar. i still respect your work & like it. but beware, i'm watching you!
we do what we can. can’t please everyone all of the time!
when will we find out more about the argent family secrets?
is stiles' bisexuality the darach?
haha, i’m not sure what this means but it made me laugh.
jeff, you talked about kitsune on sdcc. so, we will see fox in 3b? or it's just connected with kitsune's ability? sorry for the bad english, hope you'll answer!
you will see the myth of the kitsune become very important. can’t say exactly how.
are we going to see more abot danny and ethan?
a lot more.
is the reason why gage left the show still up in the air?
i explained this in an interview actually. gage had the opportunity to move on with her career and get a lead in a pilot. i think it was a smart choice for her. i have to respect her for it. be a secondary character in one show or take a lead role in a network pilot? i love gage and am very happy she made the time to come back to do a final scene with us so that we could show some of the relationship erica had with boyd and that she didn’t go down without a fight.
are we ever going to find out how stiles' mom died?
yep. and it’s pretty tragic.
i want to apologise for everyone who is being down right rude and i would like to ask if aidan and lydia's relationship will develop or are they gonna remain just a fling?
dear jeff davis, we'd like to know the ages thing because we need to believe that you know your own charaters well enough, and age is like a basic thing about a character, because we need to trust you about knowing what you're doing with them, it's that simple
ahh, well i will tell you this. i do know derek’s age and have from the beginning. i know his wolf age. but i’m not going to tell just yet.
is beacon hills a large or small town? it "feels" small, if that makes sense, but sometimes the setting (skyscrapers when mr. lahey is looking for isaac/running from the kanima, the building with derek's loft) makes it seem big. just curious.
beacon hills is a small town. the loft and city scenes take place in surrounding towns.
who on cast has the hairiest knuckles
hoechlin is referred to as robin williams on set.
was gage's return and second departure emotional? or were you more happy for her than sad to see her go?
i directed her scenes actually. i’m incredibly happy for her as i am very colton. this is a business. i am ultimately their boss. when they move on i can’t take it personally.
from what i can tell the age thing is more complicated and it almost sounds like there's two ages? like an actual amount of time that passed and then how old they actually physically age? either way though it sounds like a plot point that you're keeping to yourself for a reason so, will we find out in 3a or possibly have to wait till 3b or longer to find out the significance of the ages?
yes to more complicated. you may find out soon.
but really what if tpose got a face tattoo
you would hear me scream like a…
are aidan and ethan going to be somewhat good?
good question. one that’s explored tomorrow night. and that’s all i can do for now! thanks guys!
@темы: Teen Wolf
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он тролль))) как всегда его спрашивают, а он там чего-то пространное отвечает))
у него ещё есть брат близнец))
почитай, если раньше не читала его ответы до этого))
няяяяяяяяя.....пойду погуглю!
почитай, если раньше не читала его ответы до этого))
не, я этот сериал смотрю раз в неделю и все,больше меня с ним в принципе ничего не связывает.почитаю
ну где-то было фото, но не могу найти
не, я этот сериал смотрю раз в неделю и все,больше меня с ним в принципе ничего не связывает.почитаю
я вот не могу ограничится только просмотром, мне всё надо знать