четверг, 15 сентября 2011
из этой всей статьи мы выносим, что вероятней всего снимать буду сначала сиквел Людей Х: Первый класс, переговоры с Метью сейчас уже ведутся об этом активно, а Хью сейчас не до Росомахи и в который раз отложили продолжение съемок, сейчас всего его мысли об Отверженных, которых я очень жду!! ждемсс дальше...
With X-Men: First Class hitting Blu-ray and DVD in the U.S. tomorrow,producer Lauren Shuler Donner has been doing the press rounds andinevitably questions about the future of the X-universe started to fly.
Donnerconfirmed to Hitfix that The Wolverine has been delayed yet again, thistime not because of a natural disaster or a director departure, butbecause their leading man has unsurprisingly accepted the opportunityfor a role he was quite simply born to play, Jean Valjean in TomHooper’s version of the Les Miserables musical; “I’m notsure when we’ll start. Maybe summer 2012 we’ll start shooting. It’sbased on Hugh [Jackman]‘s schedule, frankly. When he’s available, we’llfilm. …He’s doing ‘Les Miserables’, and then he has to come and trainfor us. So it’s all dependent on him.”
читать дальшеReports emerged on August25th that the 2011 fall Vancouver shoot on The Wolverine had beenpushed back because Universal wanted to make sure Les Miserables, whichis attracting huge A-list attraction (Anne Hathaway is being lined upto play the leading lady with Russell Crowe in the mix for InspectorJavert and Geoffrey Rush & Helena Bonham Carter in talks), wentbefore camera’s this year. This meant it was a now or never dealfor Jackman and because he knows he has Fox at his mercy, he can pullthe trigger on another Wolverine anytime he likes so that was the movieto be shoved to one side.
The Wolverine was being setup fora November-March shoot in Vancouver, Fox ditching plans to shoot inJapan (where the movie is almost exclusively set) and James Mangold(3:10 to Yuma, Knight & Day) was to helm but we can’t imagine hewill stay attached all the way till next summer.
Honestly if itwasn’t for the promise from everyone involved that Chris McQuarrie’sscreenplay is A* quality stuff, I would have suggested long ago to 20thCentury Fox to drop The Wolverine and just focus on getting an X-Men 4movie into gear in the near future. But because McQuarrie’sscreenplay (based on Frank Miller & Chris Claremont’s run in the80′s) is said to be so stellar, I’m still rooting for this one to getmade.
So The Wolverine then is not automatically certainto the next X-Movie to go in front of camera’s as the delay might leavethe door open for either the other X-Men Origins: Wolverine spin-offDeadpool, or a sequel to X-Men: First Class.
On Deadpool, Donner says;
“We’reworking on getting it ready,” she continued, ”and presenting somethings to the studio, cause we’re gonna give it a little bit of adifferent look. It’s a different kind of movie. If you know ‘Deadpool’…it’s true to ‘Deadpool’. So you know, it’ll be violent, andoutrageous, and funny, and all that.”
It was then confirmedRyan Reynolds would reprise Deadpool and it would be a different takeon the character, admitting they dropped the ball last time around;
“[H]ewas treated totally wrong in the Wolverine film and yes we will redeemhim,” Donner said, ”…We have a few more things to do and then it’s upto the studio to decide whether we’re going to go forward or not.”
But is anyone really convinced this is going to be made? RyanReynolds basically belongs to Warner Bros now and as long as theycontinue to make Green Lantern movies they will want to keep him in thefamily and they aren’t going to let him shoot a Marvel superhero moviefor a rival major. Green Lantern 2 has serious movement at thestudio and then I’m sure the plan somewhere down the road will be for athird movie and a superhero team-up of sorts, if not a JLA movie thencertainly a team-up with The Flash, so I really think Donner shouldpull the plug on that and stop leaking money on it.
Donner saysrookie helmer & Scott Pilgrim vs. The World creative supervisor TimMiller is still attached to direct but it ain’t gonna happen, everyonecan see it as clear as day.
And finally the one movie thatseems most likely that it could be a go project next is X-Men: SecondClass (or whatever they call it) with Donner confirming that talks withdirector Matthew Vaughn are already underway for him to follow-up thissummer’s blockbuster with a sequel. But I think he will have somereservations before signing on and that will probably revolve around aschedule that doesn’t kill him this time around. Less than one yearturnaround from shooting to theatrical release is just ridiculous andI’m not sure Vaughn won’t want to go through that again butcertainly when he spoke to us he sounded like he wanted the sequel tobe made and had clearly thought out some ideas for it, as has producerBryan Singer.
Despite it’s disappointing opening, X-Men:First Class has grossed over $350 million worldwide to date and as longas the Blu-ray & DVD sales are strong (and the same goes for Scream4… if you want another one, you gotta show it by buying the DVDs andBlu-rays as that will determine whether it happens) then I’m certainproduction will begin on the movie soon enough, probably early nextyear.
Despite the first X-Men trilogy making more money by the time third X-Men 3: The Last Stand came about thetruth is Fox don’t want to spend up to $20 million each on pay dealsfor the likes of Halle Berry, Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart whenthey can make the movie on a budget with these young actors.
Asfor which characters could appear in X-Men: First Class sequel, Donnersays she ‘hopes’ Cyclops and Jean find their way into the tale. Iimagine they won’t just be the only characters from the original filmline-up that make their way into the film. ©
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