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♦ Tyler looks like a ray of sunshine, as always
♦ T - end if s2, had Scott used Derek to actually bite Gerard, problem. But as Scott had a plan, he saw scott as an equal
♦ T - Derek had more respect for Scott.
♦ Derek has massive respect for Scott - Tyler
♦ T - was big brother to posey and dylan when they lived together. Now seeing then as adults.
♦ Tyler just tried to speak in a british accent. He.. failed.. Lol
♦ T - Derek and Isaac have interesting relationship. Don’t like each other, but pack. Isaac loyalty shifted to Scott.
♦ T - Isaac learned to challenge as he gained power, created tension. Right to do so, derek made lots of mistakes.
♦ T - hopes things can improve now.
♦ Tyler just learned what a headcanon is
♦ T - Laura, talked about it before show. Escaped together, left BH, massive respect for Laura. Powerful, alpha.
♦ Tyler about the hale fire “there were two whole people running out the back that we missed?”
♦ T - last time derek had family. Very close. Final loss on his life, only thing he had left. Biggest blow of all to lose Laura.
♦ T - Dennifer. Not physical, love based. Conscious decision. Sensed something in her, missed that the thing was evil.
♦ T - made a bad judgement call w Jennifer. Anger is how he expresses all emotions.
♦ “I think, he sensed something in her, which was obviously the wrong thing.” - Tyler on if he was in love with Jennifer
♦ T - 3b, hope we can reflect on Dennifer at some point.
♦ Derek is a person who doesn’t really show feelings - Tyler (oh really??)
♦ T - Derek has not had fun in a very long time. Basketball in past, normal kid. Enjoyed high school, popular.
♦ T - Derek sees the benefits of being ww, didn’t take advantage but enjoyed it.
♦ If Derek was raised human and turned later; he’d be like Isaac. He sees a lot of him in Isaac.
♦ T - if derek had been bitten as a teen, he’d be more like Isaac. Derek sees himself in Isaac (steady on ladies).
♦ T - false confidence, the same as going beta to alpha.
♦ T - Scott and Derek, he knows but can’t say. They’ll be v different now. More like s1, but less mean to Scott
♦ T. - d will recognise s is natural alpha, and derek is better on his own. He’s ok w that. Like batman (has discussed w Jeff)
♦ Scott and Derek’s relationship is gonna be a lot more different than it ever been, now that Scott is an Alpha and Derek isn’t.
♦ The relationship between Derek and Scott is probably going to be similar to S1. Derek can take being the lone wolf.
♦ T- will try to help scott where he can, let scott run the show
♦ Tyler says Derek has a lot of relationships to repair even though most of them are dead. Everyone was like “ohhhhh”
♦ T - Derek as a dad? He’s like the old guy in the western who just wants to be out on his ranch w family doing his own thing
♦ Q: How would you imagine Derek as a dad? - I think he would be a very, very good dad!!
♦ T -didn’t want power for malicious reasons, missed having family around. Would be strict, protective, but good dad.
♦ T - like the dad in American Dreams (?)
♦ Derek was tired of being in the run and alone. Tyler thinks Derek would be a really good dad, very stern, but loving when needed
♦ Hoechlin imagines Derek being a very good dad. He didn’t want power to control people but to stop running away and have a family again.
♦ Someone asked what Derek would be like as a father and this stage talk just suddenly got frickin adorable
♦ T - would talk to derek about apartment. Need light, fridge. Would have a lot of questions about his motivations
♦ "Derek, we need 2 talk about your apartment. You need light!" - Tyler on what he’d say 2 Derek if he’d meet him someday
♦ “Derek, let’s talk about your apartment. You need a light. You need a refrigerator.” - Tyler on a chat with Derek
♦ Hoechlin would take Derek out for a couple beers. Room cheers. “Maybe that’s what he needs.”
♦ T - take him out for couple of beers, see what happens.. Maybe wine at home. No fire! Fire extinguishers all around.
♦ "Derek hanging round his nonworking fireplace… no no not a fireplace that’s bad"
♦ "Derek and me would also have a couple of beers. I’d tell him to be more patient.."
♦ "Stay home with a bottle of wine and candles. Room full of fire extinguishers just in case." Hoechlin enjoys Derek’s pain a bit too much. xD
♦ T - the after hours video. Never watched TB, hasn’t had time. It was 2yrs ago. Has shaved since then.
♦ "I’ve shaved. 3 years ago. Not since then." Hoechlin
♦ "I don’t like shaving. The last time, I shaved was 2 years ago" - On if he ever shaved his beard after season 1.
♦ T - anchor changed? Don’t know, but spending more time w Scott might change his views.
♦ Scott’s anchor is not allison any more
♦ T - will learn he doesn’t have to do everything alone any more, that might change his anchor.
♦ Tyler thinks Derek may change his anchor but slowly and with a lot of struggle
♦ T - Cora? Doesn’t know anything. Plan was to do it in 3b, but can’t because AK left. Cora stuff in first 3 of 3b but no Cora
♦ On 3x09 when Derek finds out what Jennifer his, it’s like finding his anchor again
♦ T - must’ve been a convo between Derek and Cora, but he doesn’t know. Cora was to Derek as Derek was to Laura. Mentor.
♦ "We probably won’t be able to get @AdelaideKane back in the next 12 episodes, cause she’s busy w/her own show" - Tyler on Cora
♦ T - Cora disappointed in Derek. Sees passion and fire has diminished in the brother she knew.
♦ T - they understand each other because they’ve been through same experience, but don’t want to talk about it
♦ T - doesn’t see derek being happy ever. Would be happy isolated, small pack/family. Simple life. Not being involved in BH crazy.
♦ T - hardest scene? Boyd’s death. Showing emotion was a change for him.
♦ Hardest scene for Tyler: When Boyd died.’Cause he knew, it was Derek’s fault and having those feelings were new to the character.
♦ T - didn’t see Erica’s death, could pretend, but Boyd dying in his arms, huge moment.
♦ “I’m looking at a room full of beautiful people.” Hoechlin.
♦ T - “I’m looking at a room full of beautiful people.” Loves Hyde Park. Was in Paris, loves it there too, walking around randomly.
♦ “I’m looking at a room of beautiful” - the whole crowd was literally like “are you kidding me?!”
♦ T - shooting a film soon, can’t announce it yet, but soon. Official tomorrow. Independent film. Cool excited.
♦ Tyler will be shooting an independent movie soon. “Stay tuned”
♦ T - theme song for Derek, howling for you, black keys
♦ T - comparison between Derek and batman. Talked about it w Jeff this season. V similar.
♦ “Howling for you” by The Black Keys would be Derek’s theme song. Though someone in the crowd suggested “All by myself,” he laughed a lot
♦ T - Derek has realised he can contribute, not for power but as responsibility. Theme for 3b.
♦ Derek has been hiding what he’s been feeling on the inside by being cocky and cool. We’ll see him go through a turning point on s3b
♦ T - how did stiles know about Kate? Don’t know but assume Allison told Scott and Scott told Stiles?
♦ Hoechlin assumes that Stiles found out about Kate via the Argents/Scott.
♦ T - if Stiles had said that in s1 or 2, Derek would have hit him
♦ Tyler clearly doesn’t seem to know why Stiles would know about Kate. He said that Derek would have hit Stiles on s1 for sure, slow build!!
♦ Hoechlin and Dylan came up with a really great scene that’ll be very touching and funny. Room went insane.
♦ T - hospital yelling scene was a cut down version of a scene T and Dylan pitched to Jeff, which T hopes will be used later
♦ Hoechlin started to laugh. “There’ll be some touching.” Lol
♦ T - Derek didnt hit Stiles bc he knew what Stiles was going through w his dad in danger
♦ The crowd just exploded when Tyler said he and Dylan talked with Jeff about a touching scene. “Not touching, as touching!!!”
♦ T - there would be touching but not like that, but t things we’d like their scene.
♦ T - would come back to town to help Scott if needed.
♦ According to Tyler, if the hospital scene when Stiles yelled at Derek happened in season 1 or 2, he would have hit him
♦ T - Derek would rather die than Scott because he can take the hit, Scott is more needed has people who need him
♦ Derek understood what Stiles was feeling when his father was kidnapped, that’s why he let him be that way with him
♦ Derek would sacrifice himself for Scott, to help him be the person he’s supposed to be. Gosh, I’m dying. Hearts in my eyes.
♦ Favorite episode s1: 1x04 with Stiles. He loves that ep. Also ep 1x09. They were his favs
♦ Tyler’s fave episode to shoot - Season 1: episode 4, with Stiles and episode 9 in the hospital. 1/2
♦ Fave episodes in season 2: probably episode 2 and 3. where he drives away w/ Erica and his douchy smile.. 2/2
♦ Favorite ep s2: 2x02 or 2x03 with Erica, because he loved playing cocky Derek. It was really fun!
♦ Derek would have punched Stiles in that hospital scene a season ago. ~Sweet Development~
♦ Favorite ep s3: 3x05. He loved shooting because it was the biggest werewolf fight. The mall really exists!
♦ T - was a real abandoned mall. Really fun.
♦ T - “this has been the most fun con we’ve done by far”
♦ This has been the most funny convention, we’ve ever done!! They have sooo much fun!! - Tyler on if he likes being here.
♦ T - loves doing Q&A. Being able to get personal answers to fans’ questions.
♦ “This is the last stressful event. We’re having a lot of fun.”
♦ T - would Derek bite Stiles? “What kind of bite are you talking about here?”
♦ T - no. Likes knowing if he ever gets that upset w Stiles, he can kill him. Would give Stiles too much power!
♦ Derek knows that if he gave Stiles the bite it’d be harder to kill him. Stiles has enough power. Lol
♦ T - Dylan keeps the show grounded, connects the audience to the supernatural. Human element. Brilliant job at it.
♦ “Dylan is to me what keeps the show so grounded. Because he’s such a human aspect of the show”
♦ T - don’t ever want to see Stiles turned.
♦ Crowd clapping every time there’s a Sterek question, oh god lol
♦ Tyler thinks that Dylan is the one that keeps the show on the ground, because everyone can identify themselves with him.
♦ Tyler thinks Stiles would be a good werewolf, but the bite would give Stiles too much power. That would make his life a living hell lol
♦ T - audition scene, interrogation of d by sheriff. Scott was outside the room behind 2way mirror, d knows and is talking to Scott
♦ T - fav stunts. Love stunts. Only lets stunt guy do boring stuff. Did the whole scene at end s2 in warehouse.
♦ Deleted scene S1: Sheriff interrogated Derek for Laura’s murder and Scott is outside listening. Derek knows and directs his As to him. *___*
♦ Tyler did all the stunts at the final fight. He also did the fight scene with Kali at the loft
♦ T - water fight w Kali, in a harness, cool. Would love to be James Bond. That type series w action stuff.
♦ "I know I can’t be James Bond. I’m not British, I hate my parents for it. But it’d be my dream role." Hoechlin.
♦ Tyler’s dream job would be James Bond, but he’s sad because he’s not british. “I really hate my parents for that”
♦ T - food. Eating everything right now! Derek’s not an alpha, so t can be in good shape, not alpha shape! Eating pizza, ice cream etc again
♦ “Something amazing happened to me this year. Derek is no longer an Alpha. So I have to be in a good shape but not in an alpha shape.” Lol
♦ T - loves macaroons.
♦ T - Cora and Derek didn’t invite peter on their quest because they don’t like him. They’re together at the beginning of 3b.
♦ “Peter is a terrible road trip partner.”
♦ “Peter is a terrible road trip partner” that’s why Cora and Derek didn’t bring him with him. Also, terrible taste in music
♦ End of panel.